A specialty company in constant pursuit of excellence

Kureha is a Japan based chemical company and has been supplying unique products to all over the world for 75 years. We constantly contribute to society and the world by innovation and delivering world-leading quality products.

About KUREHA Corporation

Kureha Corporation is a leading diversified chemical products manufacturer based in Japan. For over 70 years, we have applied our technological expertise to create numerous original products in fields including advanced products, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and packaging materials.

Kureha operates with a broad vision, encompassing industry-wide issues and developments, while at the same time using highly specialized expertise to develop cutting-edge products. Our growth and development have come exclusively from innovative products that were developed in-house, rather than through outside technology.

KUREHA Company Iwaki Factory

A good example of Kureha’s culture of in-house research and product development is its polyvinylidene chloride resin, which is used as plastic food wrap. It was developed by Kureha soon after World War II using chlorine, a byproduct of caustic soda. With a corporate culture that emphasizes “developing original technologies to meet society’s future needs”, the development of polyvinylidene chloride resin was the first Kureha R&D effort conducted without relying on overseas technology.


In the years since, through original technology and a strong corporate culture we have built an operating environment capable of producing innovations that can withstand the test of time.


More information to https://www.kureha.co.jp/en/